Saturday, February 28, 2009

O.K. First snafu

To comment, you will need to use the pull down and see if your email fits into the category. If not, you will have to create an account. Pain in the rear. So this may be a read only, unless you want to go the extra step. Sheesh.....

The Rest of The Story

A couple of years ago, I meet 2 very charming women. Oh, the stories they told of betrayal by their political party. The letter she received removing her from membership, appalled me. At that time I was so naïve.

The other woman also found herself in a difficult situation. You see, she had first hand knowledge of AVB impropriety, but what could she do? If she reported it, a loved one may suffer the consequences. What a dilemma, and I was glad it was not my call. Suddenly, the idea came, ever so subtle….have an independent source report it to the SOS. As we all know, emotions were running high in late 2007 and early 2008. So reported it was.

Time marches on, and new information emerges. This is such a small town. Later, it was found that the AVB accusation had no real basis of fact. It was the beginning of a campaign to replace a council member.. Well…with her. She stated in an email that she had already put “the bug” in the ears and she was interested in the position. Of course, she was quick to say, she didn’t have the blessing of 214. It is really hard to be appointed or elected without their High 5’s.

From that point on, many of us saw a concerted effort to gain the support of 214. It was even stated that she was the driving force behind the rumors last summer. Of course, that in and of itself is a “rumor”.

Enter the disenfranchised Democrat, willing to continue rumors, long after they were put to bed, forgetting about the skeletons hanging in her closet.

Commiserating with their plight, having compassion for the difficult or perceived difficult decisions they had made or were about to make, and then finding out all along, it was nothing but a ruse. You feel like the fool.

All this and a few more undisclosed comments and/or actions, I have kept silent on.

I didn’t write the article in October on the downfall of a neighborhood organization. It is not my fault; Muncie is or was on the “Watch List” for Federal funds.

Last year a Demo party insider said….”They will come after CDCPTR. If that doesn’t work, individuals will be targeted.” It is not about name calling or inappropriate on-line content as they would like you to believe.

Quoting a great legal mind “If this is the worse they can find…”

This is the start of “rest of the story”.

To be continued……

Friday, February 27, 2009

Indiana Commission on Local Government Reform- Kernan-Shepard Commission

Great article.

What's on your mind?

If you have a question or need some information, leave me a message in the comment section. I will do my best to post an answer. If somebody has the info, POST IT!

Plus, you can give me some ideas on what interests you. Please, by all means, feel free to interact.

Check back often, as I hope to supply some news you can use on a regular basis.

Tell your friends and relatives.

This blog is monitored, and it is meant only as a tool to get the the "rest of the story" out. It is geared for those who are interested in the political climate of Muncie, not for airing trash. It won't get posted.

Hey, if you see that I have blogged something not quite accurate, you can let me know.

Some of the recent happenings in Muncie

County Commissioners Meeting @ 6:30 PM 3rd floor of the County Building. 1st Monday of every month.

City Council Meeting @7:30 PM City Hall Auditorium. 1st Monday of every month.

So, you can head out to the Commissioner's meeting, stay for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, then head on over to the City Council meeting.

Nice that our County Commissioners scheduled their meeting on the same night as City Council. They are some great guys.

So much for our elected officials working for the people.

Muncie Mayor McShurley & The Great Homestead Mistake

By now we have all heard about the big boondoggle called "The Great Homestead Mistake". Yes, it is true, the Mayor does owe taxes. Ouch! Unfortunately, for the Mayor, it has been blown out of proportion.

She did file a quick-claim deed on her property, and apparently that is not enough information for the County to remove the homestead credit. After the HUGE property tax fiasco, we all got a refund from the State. Suddenly, 30+ properties were found to have more than one homestead credit.

It all has to be paid back. It should be paid back.

Now, here's the fun part (you won't find this in the newspaper). She also owned property in another county. That property was over-assessed, so more taxes were paid. State law says in the case over assessment, they are only allowed to refund you for 3 years.

It doesn't make any sense when the State owes YOU there is a 3 year limit on your REFUND, yet if you owe the State...THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT.

I am glad the Mayor took the time to explain it all to us. She plans on taking this to the legislation.

Just another reason why the whole property tax system should be revamped.