Monday, March 2, 2009

Moved to:

Please visit my new blog site. Sorry for any inconvenience. See you there!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

County Commissioners, again

Monday, however, marks the beginning of an effort by the commissioners to move some meetings to the evening in an attempt to make them more accessible for those who work during the day. From the Star Press 2-28-09

Why in the world would the Commissioners schedule the meeting on the EXACT night as City Council?

One word....attempt. This is a feeble ATTEMPT at best to make the meetings accessible for those who work. More like an attempt to cause conflict.

City Council has held the meetings on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 PM with special meetings and hearings set at 6:30 PM for years.

At best, the conflicting meeting schedule was an oversight by the Commissioners.
At worse, it is business as usual.

See it for what it is...