Friday, February 27, 2009

Muncie Mayor McShurley & The Great Homestead Mistake

By now we have all heard about the big boondoggle called "The Great Homestead Mistake". Yes, it is true, the Mayor does owe taxes. Ouch! Unfortunately, for the Mayor, it has been blown out of proportion.

She did file a quick-claim deed on her property, and apparently that is not enough information for the County to remove the homestead credit. After the HUGE property tax fiasco, we all got a refund from the State. Suddenly, 30+ properties were found to have more than one homestead credit.

It all has to be paid back. It should be paid back.

Now, here's the fun part (you won't find this in the newspaper). She also owned property in another county. That property was over-assessed, so more taxes were paid. State law says in the case over assessment, they are only allowed to refund you for 3 years.

It doesn't make any sense when the State owes YOU there is a 3 year limit on your REFUND, yet if you owe the State...THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT.

I am glad the Mayor took the time to explain it all to us. She plans on taking this to the legislation.

Just another reason why the whole property tax system should be revamped.


  1. For some reason, other properties were not listed with their homestead credit. A lame reason was didn't satisy the person asking, or anyone else....oh, well. Muncie Politics.

  2. So, why didn't the local newspaper give equal time to all those who might be in error ? Was this an oversight or something they simply didn't want the public at large to see ? Which reporter was responsible for the story and if he didn't report it truthfully, how can the people of Muncie trust his journalistic integrity ? If he did write an complete story and it was shredded into nothing more than sensationalism, how can the editor rationalize this as fair and accurate reporting ? If this is Muncies' only news source, then this presents a larger issue for the citizens. Are they to live their lives in ignorance, believing only what is selectively reported ?

  3. It sounds alot like selective reporting and editting. As this is Muncies' only newspaper, this does a disservice to the citizens themselves. As for the journalistic integrity, I can only assume that's been bartered. To whom and for what reason and how much ?
